Download "Themes in the Samaritan Setbook" Instantly.

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  • Description:

    The 29-page PDF document covers the main themes that emerge from each scene of every act. For example, for Act I Scene I, the following themes are discussed with reference to specific page numbers in the set book: Technology, Hope and optimism, Bad governance and negligence by the leaders, Corruption, impunity, and blackmail, Environmental degradation and climate change, Hopelessness and desperation, Poverty and unemployment/joblessness, and Education. In Act I Scene II, the following themes are discussed: Role of media, Poor leadership, Corruption, Technology, Blackmail and Impunity, Misuse of power and intimidation, and Climate change and environmental degradation. All Acts and Scenes are covered. The choice to discuss themes under each Act and Scene gives teachers and students the opportunity to grasp the set book's main thematic concerns as they read along. Teachers can use it for teaching purposes and students can use the document for learning and revision purposes. The page numbers provided for each point made provides an easy way to refer back to the book and understand or grasp the wider context within which that theme takes place. Such an approach gives an added advantage in learning and teaching this set book.

  • File Size:
    341.71 KB
  • Length:
    29 pages
  • Category:
    Set Book Guides
  • Level:
    Form 4
  • Subject:
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