Download "Grade 4 Rationalized English Schemes of Work Term 1" Instantly.

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  • Description:

    The ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2147483648-page MS Word document comprises Grade 4 Rationalized English Schemes of Work Term 1. The PDF version of the document is also available upon your request.

    The schemes of work cover 11 instructional weeks, one week for half-term break, and one week for end-term assessments and school closure. Each instructional week covers five lessons.

    The primary reference used is Longhorn English Learner's Book Grade 4.

    The rationalized themes covered include:

    1. The family
    2. Family celebrations
    3. Etiquette
    4. Accidents: First aid
    5. Nutrition: Balanced diet
    6. Internet: Email

    The themes are embedded in the following rationalized strands:

    • Listening and speaking
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Grammar in use

    The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.

  • File Size:
    303.01 KB
  • Category:
    Schemes of Work
  • Level:
    Grade 4
  • Subject:
  • Posted By:

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