Download "Form 4 History Mid-Term 1 Exam 2025 with Marking Scheme" Instantly.
- Description:
This Form Four History Mid-Term 1 Exam 2025 with Marking Scheme is designed to comprehensively assess students' understanding of key historical events, concepts, and figures across various time periods and regions.
The exam covers a wide range of topics, including:
- Sources of historical information
- Early human development and tools
- Spread of agriculture
- African empires and leadership
- The United Nations and its functions
- The Cold War
- Ancient civilizations
- Economic history, including currency
- Global health organizations
- Colonialism and its impact
- World Wars
- Types of constitutions
The exam is structured into three sections:
- Section A (25 marks): Consists of 17 short answer questions covering a broad range of historical topics.
- Section B (45 marks): Requires students to answer three essay questions from a choice of four, delving deeper into specific historical developments and their significance.
- Section C (30 marks): Requires students to answer two essay questions from a choice of three, focusing on in-depth analysis of major historical events and their consequences.
This exam is scheduled for a duration of 2 and a half hours. The marking scheme or answers are in a separate file from the question paper. The number of pages shown below are for the exam paper excluding the marking scheme.
- File Size:26.60 KB
- Length:4 pages
- Category:Exams
- Level:Form 4
- Posted By:Caleb_Peter
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