Download "Form 4 English Mid-Term 1 Exam 2025 with Marking Scheme" Instantly.
- Description:
This Form Four English Mid-Term 1 Exam 2025 with Marking Scheme is designed to assess students' comprehension, grammar, cloze test, oral skills, and functional writing skills.
The exam includes a cloze test, an oral skills section with a poem, an extract from a literary text with questions, grammar exercises on adjectives, sentence construction, and word meanings, and a functional writing task requiring students to write a recipe for a dish.
The exam covers topics such as inspiration, illness, rhyme scheme, non-verbal cues, effective communication, and themes and styles in literature.
The marking scheme or answers are in a separate file from the question paper. The number of pages shown below are for the exam paper excluding the marking scheme.
- File Size:17.88 KB
- Length:4 pages
- Category:Exams
- Level:Form 4
- Subject:ENGLISH
- Posted By:Caleb_Peter
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