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- Description:
The 59 pages long PDF document comprises Daughter of Nature guide. Daughter of Nature and Other Poems is one of the KICD-approved literary texts for Grades 7, 8, and 9 in Kenya. It was authored by an experienced English and Literature teacher in Kenya, who is also an examiner and columnist. The guidebook was written with Grade 7, 8, and 9 learners in mind.
It is divided into three sections. The first section provides a general introduction to poetry by focusing on the following elements:
- Basic poetry elements
- Introduction to poetry
- Poetry and related items
- The poet and persona
- Poetry and prose
- Features of poetry
- Characters in poetry
- The structure of a poem.
The second section is more detailed as it focuses on the analysis and interpretation of a poem based on the knowledge gained from the first section. The second section is unique because it provides specific reference to the various poems in the literary text, Daughter of Nature. The main aspects covered in the second section include:
- Analysis and interpretation of a poem
- Analysing a poem
- Themes
- Example in a poem
- Literary stylistics
- Poetic devices
- Tone, mood, and attitude.
The final section three focuses on sample poetry analysis.
The main advantage of using this guidebook is that it is neatly organized with extensive use of bullet points and tables to illustrate points and ideas. It was primarily designed as a teacher's guidebook. However, Grade 7, 8, and 9 learners can also use it, especially for home-based learning and revision.
- File Size:11.40 MB
- Length:59 pages
- Category:Set Book Guides
- Level:Grade 7
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