Download "Mwongozo wa Uteuzi Wa Chale" Instantly.
- Description:
The 32 pages PDF document contains Mwongozo wa Uteuzi Wa Chale. Uteuzi Wa Chale is a Grade 7 class reader in Kenya. This guide was authored by a Kiswahili Fasihi teacher in Kenya who is also a KNEC examiner. The author has also produced many Kiswahili setbook guides in Kenya. He has a Bachelor of Education/Arts from Moi University.
The following analysis aspects are covered:
- Muhtasari
- Ufaafu wa Anwani
- Dhamira
- Maudhui
- Wahusika (Umuhimu na Sifa)
- Mbinu za Lugha.
As a Grade 7 Kiswahili teacher, this is your go-to document for teaching the class reader. Also, learners can use the document for home-based learning and revision activities. The main advantage is that the document is comprehensive (for example, it discusses over 20 themes (maudhui) and over 25 stylistic devices (mbinu za lugha)) and neatly organized.
- File Size:898.71 KB
- Length:32 pages
- Category:Set Book Guides
- Level:Grade 7
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