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  • Description:

    The PDF document comprises The Hidden Package Summary Notes prepared by an English and Literature teacher who also has a Masters in Curriculum Studies from Kenyatta University. The summary notes are structured into the Chapters of the novella, covering all the thirteen chapters. The chapter summaries are super summarized to make them easily digestible with the extensive use of bullet points. For example, Chapter 1 summary is summarized as follows:

    • Three learners (friends) play a game of bano.
    • The learners are Atieno, Wamuyu and WasiWasi.
    • They slightly disagree on who is the best player.
    • Suddenly they notice a stranger hiding a package.
    • They hide and observe what he does until he vanishes.

    On top of these chapter summary notes, the teacher is further provided guidance under each chapter regarding how to conduct the learning process in the classroom. For example, it guides the teacher to aid children in working in pairs, making chapter notes on their own, asking them to compare the notes with the ones provided, such as the one for Chapter 1 above, and then poses about 4-7 questions that can further aid the learner to grasp the plot. 

    Apart from chapter notes, the summary notes also discuss themes, features of style, and critical environmental issues. 

    Also, at the beginning of the document, various notes on reading a novella, identifying a setting, identifying characters, meaning of a synopsis and its importance, sequence of events, and climax are also provided. This makes it a comprehensive choice for teachers. However, learners can also benefit from the document for revision purposes. Therefore, parents should not hesitate to download the document to boost their children's grades.

    Other advantages of downloading the document include the fact that the notes are neatly organized. The document is also colored to encourage utilization, especially by learners. 

  • File Size:
    6.76 MB
  • Length:
    53 pages
  • Category:
    Set Book Guides
  • Level:
    Grade 7
  • Subject:
  • Posted By:

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The Hidden Package Summary

The Hidden Package Guide

Price: Ksh 125.00 Ksh 250.00