The 50 pages long PDF document contains the Strange Happenings Guide. The guide was authored by a curricula studies expert, who is an experienced English and Literature teacher in Kenya. The book was intended as a teacher's guide for teaching purposes. It starts with an introduction that can guide the teacher on teaching about navigating the dynamics of a novella. It then provides important notes for the teacher, which includes various teaching strategies to be used. Afterwards, lesson demarcations are provided as follows:
Under each lesson, various activities have been incorporated as deemed appropriate, such as working in pairs or groups. Specific learning outcomes are also clearly defined at the beginning of each section. Also, key inquiry questions are posed under each section. Additionally, an assessment rubric is provided under each section and the key competencies to be developed are clearly outlined. Finally, towards the end of the guidebook, answers to ‘Reflect and Explore’ exercises are provided.
If you're a teacher looking for a guide to this novella, then this is your go-to solution. Parents can also download the document to aid their children in home-based learning and revision. Best luck!
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