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- Description:
The 53 pages long PDF document contains Strange Happenings Summary Notes. Strange Happenings by Jennie Marima is a KICD-approved Grade 7 Novella in Kenya. The summary notes were authored by a renowned English and Literature teacher (Master of Education, Curriculum Studies from Kenyatta University) in Kenya.
The summary notes are primarily intended for teaching purposes. However, parents can also download the summary notes to aid their Grade 7 learners' home-based study and revision.
The document starts with an introduction that informs the learner about what is a novella, the feelings one is likely to encounter when reading one, and the importance of reading novellas. The second section provides important notes for the teacher, such as teaching strategies to use to teach the novella. Other important notes covered include guidance on reading a novella, identifying the setting of a novella, identifying main and minor characters, the meaning of a synopsis, and sequence of events.
After these notes, the document delves into the actual analysis of the novella. The main aspects covered in the actual analysis include a plot analysis and summary, themes, and features of style. Throughout the summary notes, lesson demarcations have been provided. For each lesson, learning objectives are offered together with classroom activities (such as working in pairs or groups) and key inquiry questions. Answers to the key inquiry questions are provided towards the end of the document. Therefore, it is an ideal resource for teaching purposes.
- File Size:1.08 MB
- Length:53 pages
- Category:Set Book Guides
- Level:Grade 7
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