Download "Maudhui Katika Bembea ya Maisha" Instantly.
- Description:
The 17-page long PDF document comprises "Maudhui Katika Bembea ya Maisha." The content of the document was created by a Kiswahili Fasihi examiner in Kenya.
A total of 13 themes (maudhui) are discussed, namely:
- Malezi,
- Elimu,
- Udaku/Umbea,
- Nafasi ya Mwanamke Katika Jamii,
- Umoja/Ushirikiano,
- Asasi ya Ndoa,
- Utamaduni/Desturi,
- Mabadiliko,
- Ulevi,
- Ukengeushi,
- Kazi,
- Majuto, &
- Mapenzi.
Under each theme, reference to specific page numbers have been made.
The document is ideal for both teaching and revision purposes. It can particularly benefit KCSE candidates who would like to quickly grasp the various themes portrayed in Bembea Ya Maisha set book. The document is also neatly organized and ready for printing.
- File Size:1.33 MB
- Length:17 pages
- Category:Set Book Guides
- Level:Form 4
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