Download "English Form 4 Schemes of Work Term 1, 2, 3 Combined (2024)" Instantly.

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  • Description:

    The 26 pages long PDF document comprises English Form 4 Schemes of Work for Term 1, 2, and 3. The document was prepared and compiled by an English teacher in Kenya with a high school teaching experience of 12+ years.

    Term one covers a total of 13 weeks. Week one of Term 1 is dedicated to opening and revision of end year examinations. The third week is dedicated for CAT One examinations. Week 12-13 are dedicated for revision, end term examinations, marking, and closing.

    Term two is similarly allocated 13 weeks, whereby the first two are dedicated for opening and revision of end year examinations, CAT One is scheduled at Week 4, and revision, end term examinations, marking, and closing are scheduled for week 12 and 13.

    Since Term 3 is shorter due to scheduled KCSE examinations, classwork starts right from Week 1, and there are no scheduled CATS. Class work ends at Week 4. Between Week 5 and 10, examinations and KCSE examinations are scheduled. 

  • File Size:
    652.67 KB
  • Length:
    26 pages
  • Category:
    Schemes of Work
  • Level:
    Form 4
  • Subject:
  • Posted By:

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