Download "English Form 2 Schemes of Work Term 1, 2, 3 Combined (2024)" Instantly.
- Description:
The PDF document (28 pages) contains English Form 2 Schemes of Work Term 1, 2, 3 Combined for the year 2024. The reference books used include Secondary English Student’s Book 2 and Teacher’s Guide Book 2. For all the three terms, the first week has been dedicated to school opening/reporting and revision. For Term 1 and 2, mid-term break is scheduled at Week 9. For Term 3, there is no mid-term break, but mid-term assessments/exams have been scheduled for Week 6. Term 1 and 2 have a total of 13 weeks, with the last two being scheduled for end-term exams and closing. Term 3 is relatively shorter (10 weeks) because of the KCSE exams later the year.
- File Size:684.91 KB
- Length:28 pages
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Form 2
- Subject:ENGLISH
- Posted By:amingaskykrapper
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