Download "Grade 7 Rationalized Agriculture Term 2 Schemes of Work 2024" Instantly.
- Description:
The PDF document comprises Grade 7 Rationalized Agriculture and Nutrition Schemes of Work Term 2 for the year 2024. The document's contents were created, designed, and compiled by a professional JSS teacher in Kenya.
The scheme of work covers a total of 13 weeks, whereby Weeks 12 and 13 are dedicated for the assessment of projects, end-term assessment, and closing of the term. Mid-term break is scheduled for Week 8. Each active learning week has a total of four lessons.
The strands covered include Food Production Processes (10 lessons), Hygiene Practices (6 lessons), and Production Techniques (20 lessons). The columns covered in the table holding the content include:
- Week, Lesson
- Strand
- Sub-Strand
- Specific Learning Outcome
- Learning Experiences
- Key Inquiry Questions
- Learning Resources
- Assessment Method
- Reflection.
The primary learning resources referenced in the scheme of work include MTP (Mountain Top Publishers) Grade 7 Home Science Pupil's Book and Sparks Agriculture Grade 7 Pupil's Book. Good luck!
- File Size:328.49 KB
- Length:13 pages
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Grade 7
- Posted By:amingaskykrapper
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