Download "Grade 8 Integrated Science Mentor Scheme of Work (Term 2)" Instantly.
- Description:
The PDF file contains Grade 8 Integrated Science Mentor Scheme of Work for Term 2 (2024). The scheme of work contains a total of 12 weeks, each week covering five lessons. The following strands are covered:
- Mixture, Elements and Compounds (13 lessons)
- Living things and their environment (37 lessons)
- Human Reproductive Health (5 lessons).
The half-term break is scheduled at Week 8 and end-term assessments are scheduled at Week 13-14. The document is neatly organized and in the learning resources column, it provides reference to specific page numbers to Mentor Integrated Science Learner’s Book Grade 8. Therefore, as a teacher, you're fully sorted for Term 2 with this scheme of work.
- File Size:481.17 KB
- Length:18 pages
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Grade 8
- Posted By:amingaskykrapper
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