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- Description:
The MS Word (PDF also available) file comprises Form 3 English Term 1 Schemes of Work for the year 2025. It covers a total of 13 weeks, whereby week 8 is dedicated for a half-term break and week 13 is dedicated for the end-of-term examination. Each instructional week covers 8 lessons. The term 1 topics covered include:
- Listening and Speaking
- Stress
- Intonation
- Rhythm
- Alliteration and assonance
- Dilemma stories
- Features of dilemma story
- Aetiological narratives
- Features of aetiological narratives
- Giving and receiving instructions
- Study Skills
- Study of works of literature
- Techniques of pre-reading
- Concentration techniques in reading
- Note-making
- Appreciating a poem
- Critical reading
- Recognizing tone and attitude
- Distinguishing facts from opinions
- Reading
- Comprehension: The Miracle of Adolescence
- Comprehension: The bitter forbidden fruit
- Comprehension: Restoring integrity in the public service
- Comprehension: Women break from shackles of traditions
- Comprehension: Citizens role in good governance
- Comprehension: HIV The Emotional Journey
- Comprehension: “Our rights and responsibilities”
- Comprehension: A slip not a Fall
- Comprehension: The Great Revelation
- Grammar
- Common ways of forming nouns
- Gender-sensitive language
- Case in pronouns
- Demonstratives
- Transitive and intransitive verbs
- Infinitives
- Participles
- Quantifiers: few, a few, little and a little
- Phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions
- Writing
- Substitution in writing
- Transitional words that add information
- Transitional words that show contrast
- Transitional words that show consequences, cause and effect
- Use of the colon and the semi-colon, and writing reminders
- The use of dash and parentheses, and writing personal journals
- Thank you and congratulatory messages
- Messages of condolences
- Imaginative compositions
- Intensive Reading
- Fathers of Nations
The book used is Secondary English Book 3 Student’s book. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- Listening and Speaking
- Length:13 pages
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Form 3
- Subject:ENGLISH
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