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- Description:
The MS Word (PDF also available) file comprises Form 3 CRE Term 1 Schemes of Work for the year 2025. It covers a total of 13 weeks, whereby week 8 is dedicated for a half-term break and weeks 12-13 are dedicated for the end-of-term assessment test. Each instructional week covers 4 lessons. The term 1 topics covered include:
- The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- The teachings of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit
- The Day of the Pentecost
- Peter’s message on the Day of Pentecost
- Relevance of the Pentecostal experience to Christians
- Paul’s teachings on the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Paul’s teachings on love
- Paul’s teachings on the gifts of prophecy
- Paul’s teachings on speaking in tongues
- Discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- The fruits of the Holy Spirit
- Manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church today
- The Unity of Believers
- Teaching on the unity of believers in the New Testament
- Teaching on the people of God
- Teaching on the body of Christ
- Teaching on the vine and branches
- Teaching on the church as the Assembly of God
- Teaching on the Bride
- The causes of disunity in the early church
- Causes of disunity in Kenya today
- Solutions to problems in churches today
- The Writing of the Prophetic Messages
- Definition of the terms prophet and prophecy
- Categories of prophets
- Characteristics of true and false prophets
- The role of prophets
- The contents of prophetic messages
- How the prophetic messages were written
- Relationship between Old & New Testaments
- Comparison between traditional African prophets and Old Testament prophets
- Relevance of Old Testament prophets to Christians
The book used is KLB Form 3 CRE Student’s Book. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Form 3
- Subject:CRE
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