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- Description:
The MS Word (PDF also available) file comprises Form 4 Geography Term 1 Schemes of Work for the year 2025. It covers a total of 13 weeks, whereby week 8 is dedicated for a half-term break and week 13 is dedicated for school closure. Each instructional week covers 5 lessons. The term 1 topics covered include:
- Statistical Methods
- Age-sex pyramid
- Dot maps
- Choropleth maps
- Land Reclamation and Rehabilitation
- Definitions
- Reasons for reclaiming and rehabilitating land
- Methods of land reclamation and rehabilitation in Kenya
- Case Studies
- Mwea Tabere Irrigation Scheme
- Perkerra Irrigation Scheme
- Land reclamation in the Netherlands
- Fishing
- Types of fish
- Major fishing grounds of the world
- Methods of fishing
- Freshwater and marine fisheries in East Africa
- Significance of fishing industry in Kenya
- Problems facing fishing in Kenya and their possible solutions
- Fishing in Japan in comparison with Kenya
- Management and conservation of freshwater and marine fisheries
- Wildlife and Tourism
- Definition of wildlife
- Factors influencing wildlife in East Africa
- National parks, game reserves and sanctuaries in East Africa
- Significance of wildlife
- Problems facing wildlife in East Africa
- Management and conservation of wildlife in East Africa
- Tourism
- Factors influencing tourism in Kenya
- Tourists attractions in Kenya
- Significance of tourism
- Problems facing and associated with tourism in Kenya
- Future of tourism in Kenya
- Tourism in Switzerland
- Comparison of tourism between Kenya and Switzerland
- Energy
- Sources and forms of energy
- Hydro-power projects in Kenya and Uganda
- Hydro-power projects in Africa
- Significance of energy
- Energy crisis
- Management and conservation of energy
- Industry
- Definition of industry
- Industrialization
- Reasons for industrialization
- Factors influencing location and development of industries
- Types of industries
- Distribution of industries in Kenya
- Significance of industrialization section in Kenya
- Problems of industrialization and possible solutions
- Cottage industry in India
- Jua-Kali industry in Kenya
- Iron and steel industry in the Ruhr region of Germany
- Car manufacture and electronics industry in Japan
- Transport and Communication
- Road transport
- Railway transport
- Pipeline transport, lifts and escalators
- Air transport in Africa
- Water transport
- Major lines of transport in Africa
- Types of communication
- Role of transport and communication in economic development
- Problems facing transport and communication in Africa
- Efforts to solve these problems
- Case Study
- Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way
- Trade
- Types of trade
- Factors influencing trade
- Major exports and imports of Kenya
- Significance of trade in Kenya
- Problems facing trade in Kenya
- Future of international trade in Kenya
- European Union (EU)
- Benefits and problems facing regional trading blocs
- Population
- Definition of population
- Factors influencing distribution of population in East Africa
- Fertility
- Mortality
- Population growth
- Migration
- Population structure of Kenya
- Consequences of population growth and structure
- Population of Sweden
The books used include:
- Secondary Geography KLB BK 4
- Certified Geography BK 4
- Comprehensive Geography BK 4
The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- Statistical Methods
- Length:14 pages
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Form 4
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