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- Description:
The MS Word (PDF also available) file comprises Form 4 CRE Term 1 Schemes of Work for the year 2025. It covers a total of 13 weeks, whereby week 8 is dedicated for a half-term break and week 13 is dedicated for end-of-term exams. Each instructional week covers 4 lessons. The term 1 topics covered include:
- Introduction to Christian Ethics
- The meaning and importance of Christian ethics
- Principles of Christian ethics
- Christian values that enhance justice
- Life Skills
- Human Sexuality
- Responsible Sexual Behaviour
- Christian teaching on responsible sexual behaviour
- Christian teaching on irresponsible sexual behaviour
- STIs
- HIV and AIDS
- Marriage
- The meaning of marriage
- Traditional African understanding of marriage
- Christian teaching on marriage
- Secular approach to marriage
- Preparation for marriage in an African view
- Preparation for marriage in a Christian view
- Celibacy
- The Family
- Definition of the family
- Traditional African understanding of the family
- Christian understanding of the family
- Responsible parenthood
- Contraception
- Traditional African responses to problems related to families
- Christian responses to problems related to families today
The book used is KLB CRE Form 4 Student’s Book. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- Introduction to Christian Ethics
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Form 4
- Subject:CRE
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