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- Description:
The MS Word (PDF also available) file comprises Form 4 Chemistry Term 1 Schemes of Work for the year 2025. It covers a total of 13 weeks, whereby week 7 is dedicated for mid-term assessment and break, and week 13 is dedicated for end-of-term examinations. Each instructional week covers 5 lessons. The term 1 topics covered include:
- Acids, Bases and Salts
- Strength of acids
- pH values of acids
- Electrical conductivities of aqueous acids
- Neutralization reaction
- Strength of bases
- Dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water / methylbenzene
- Dissolving ammonia gas in water/ methylbenzene
- Amphoteric oxides
- Precipitation reactions
- Solubility of chlorides sulphites and sulphates
- Equations for formation of insoluble chlorides, sulphites and sulphates
- Complex ions
- Solubility of a salt at a given temperature
- Problems solving on solubility
- Effect of temperature on solubility of a solute in a solvent
- Effects of various salts on soap
- Removal of hardness of water
- Energy Changes in Physical & Chemical Processes
- Endothermic and exothermic reactions
- Energy level diagrams
- Enthalpy notation
- Change of state
- Molar heat of solution
- Enthalpy of combustion
- Molar heat of displacement of ions
- Molar heat of solution of neutralization
- Standard enthalpy changes
- Hess’s Law
- Heat of solution hydration energy and lattice energy
- Heat values of fuels
- Environmental effects of fuels
- Rates of Reaction & Reversible Reactions
- Effect of concentration on rate of a reaction
- Effect of time of reaction on the rate of reaction
- Effect of temperature of reactants on rate of reaction
- Effect of change in surface area of reactants on the rate of a reaction
- Effect of a suitable catalyst on the rate of a reaction
- Effect of light on rate of specific reactions
- Reversible reactions
- State of equilibrium in chemical reactions
- Le Chateliers Principle
- Effect of change of pressure and temperature on equilibrium shift
- The Haber Process
- The Contact Process
The book used is KLB Chemistry Form 4 Student’s Book. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- Acids, Bases and Salts
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Form 4
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