Download "Grade 1 Rationalized Creative Activities Schemes of Work Term 1" Instantly.
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- Description:
The MS Word file comprises Grade 1 Term 1 Creative Arts Schemes of Work for the year 2025. It covers a total of 13 weeks, whereby weeks 6 and 7 are dedicated for half-term break and week 13 is dedicated for assessment and closing. Each instructional week covers 7 lessons. The term 1 rationalized strands covered include:
- Creation and Exploration
- Musical sounds in the immediate environment
- Sounds in the immediate environment
- Imitating sounds in the immediate environment
- Performing songs that involve sounds of birds, animals and objects
- Making paper masks
- Drawing
- Lines
- Making line formations
- Pattern formations
- Materials for modelling
- Modelling using rolling technique
- Drawing various line in the immediate environment
- Rhythm
- Body percussions
- Performing various body percussion
- Using body percussion as accompaniment
- Singing songs accompanied with body percussions
- Improvising body percussive accompaniment
- Performance and Display
- Stretching
- Games that involve stretching skill
- Singing action songs
- Recording performances
The books used include KLB Visionary Music Activities and Know More Art, both teacher's guides. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- Creation and Exploration
- File Size:33.51 KB
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Grade 1
- Subject:Creative Activities
- Posted By:Caleb_Peter
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