Download "Grade 2 Rationalized CRE Schemes of Work Term 1" Instantly.
- Description:
The 11-page MS Word document comprises Grade 2 Rationalized CRE Schemes of Work Term 1. The PDF version of the document is also available upon your request.
The schemes of work cover a total of 10 instructional weeks, each covering lessons. One week is dedicated to the half-term break and the last two weeks to the end-term evaluations and closing.
The primary reference materials used include the Good News Bible and Oxford Growing in Christ CRE Learner's Book Grade 2.
The rationalized strands covered include:
- Creation (11 lessons)
- The Holy Bible (13 lessons)
- The Early Life of Jesus Christ (6 lessons)
The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- File Size:26.21 KB
- Length:11 pages
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Grade 2
- Subject:CRE
- Posted By:Caleb Peter
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