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  • Description:

    The 35-page MS Word document comprises of Grade 9 Rationalized Agriculture and Nutrition Schemes of Work Term 1. The document can be edited further to meet your specific requirements. However, if you need a PDF version of the document, don't hesitate to contact us.

    The schemes of work cover a total of 13 weeks, but weeks 12 and 13 are dedicated to end of Term 1 assessment and closure of school. Each week covers four lessons. It's based on the Grade 9 Agriculture and Nutrition Learner's Textbook.

    The strands covered include:

    • Conservation of Resources (the first 9 weeks)
    • Food Production Processes (the remaining weeks, to be continued in term 2)

    The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.

  • File Size:
    29.82 KB
  • Length:
    35 pages
  • Category:
    Schemes of Work
  • Level:
    Grade 9
  • Subject:
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