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  • Description:

    The 8 pages long MS Word document comprises Grade 8 Rationalized Creative Arts and Sports Term 3 Schemes of Work. The PDF version of the document is also available upon your request. The schemes of work were prepared by a Grade 8 Creative Arts & Sports teacher in Kenya who is knowledgeable of the rationalized learning areas.

    The strands covered include:

    • Volleyball,
    • Creating and Performing,
    • Indigenous Kenyan Craft,
    • Swimming, and
    • Appreciation in Creative Arts and Sports.


    Under Volleyball, the sub-strands covered include: 

    1. Single Hand Dig Pass (3 lessons),
    2. Over Arm Serve (3 lessons), and
    3. Minor Games and Basic Rules (1 lesson).


    Under Creating and Performing, the following sub-strands are covered: 

    1. Elements of Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
    2. Developing Plot for Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
    3. The Role of Songs and Instrument in the Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
    4. Making Simple Dance Moves to Varied Cultural Idioms (1 lesson),
    5. Functions of Cultural Creative Dances in the Society (1 lesson),
    6. Creating a Storyline for Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
    7. Creating Dance Steps, Formations, and Patterns for the Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
    8. Making Costumes, Make-Up, Ornaments and Props (1 lesson),
    9. Writing a Script for the Cultural Creative Performance (1 lesson),
    10. Ideas and Themes in a Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
    11. Playing Musical Instruments to Enrich Performance (1 lesson),
    12. Kenyan Folk Dance (1 lesson), and
    13. Kenya Indigenous Games (2 lessons).


    Under Indigenous Kenyan Craft, the following sub-strands are covered:

    1. Basketry (Coil and Stitch Technique) (1 lesson),
    2. Types of Coils (1 lesson),
    3. Selecting and Collecting Materials for Coil and Stitch Technique (1 lesson),
    4. Preparation of Materials Used in Coil and Stitch Technique (Natural Materials) (1 lesson), and
    5. Preparation of Materials Used in Coil and Stitch Technique (Man-Made Materials) (1 lesson). 


    Under Swimming, the sub-strands covered include:

    1. Inverted Breaststroke (3 lessons),
    2. Tuck Dive from an Elevated Position (2 lessons), and
    3. Water Treading (2 lessons).


    Under Appreciation in Creative Arts and Sports, the sub-strand covered is Analysis of Creative Arts and Sports (2 lessons).

    The schemes of work cover a total of nine weeks, but weeks 8 and 9 are dedicated for end year revisions and assessments. The primary reference materials used to prepare the schemes of work include the latest KICD Grade 8 Rationalized Creative Arts and Sports Curriculum Designs and Creative Arts and Sports Grade 8 Textbook. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.

  • File Size:
    40.27 KB
  • Length:
    8 pages
  • Category:
    Schemes of Work
  • Level:
    Grade 8
  • Subject:
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