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- Description:
The 8 pages long MS Word document comprises Grade 8 Rationalized Creative Arts and Sports Term 3 Schemes of Work. The PDF version of the document is also available upon your request. The schemes of work were prepared by a Grade 8 Creative Arts & Sports teacher in Kenya who is knowledgeable of the rationalized learning areas.
The strands covered include:
- Volleyball,
- Creating and Performing,
- Indigenous Kenyan Craft,
- Swimming, and
- Appreciation in Creative Arts and Sports.
Under Volleyball, the sub-strands covered include:
- Single Hand Dig Pass (3 lessons),
- Over Arm Serve (3 lessons), and
- Minor Games and Basic Rules (1 lesson).
Under Creating and Performing, the following sub-strands are covered:
- Elements of Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
- Developing Plot for Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
- The Role of Songs and Instrument in the Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
- Making Simple Dance Moves to Varied Cultural Idioms (1 lesson),
- Functions of Cultural Creative Dances in the Society (1 lesson),
- Creating a Storyline for Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
- Creating Dance Steps, Formations, and Patterns for the Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
- Making Costumes, Make-Up, Ornaments and Props (1 lesson),
- Writing a Script for the Cultural Creative Performance (1 lesson),
- Ideas and Themes in a Cultural Creative Dance (1 lesson),
- Playing Musical Instruments to Enrich Performance (1 lesson),
- Kenyan Folk Dance (1 lesson), and
- Kenya Indigenous Games (2 lessons).
Under Indigenous Kenyan Craft, the following sub-strands are covered:
- Basketry (Coil and Stitch Technique) (1 lesson),
- Types of Coils (1 lesson),
- Selecting and Collecting Materials for Coil and Stitch Technique (1 lesson),
- Preparation of Materials Used in Coil and Stitch Technique (Natural Materials) (1 lesson), and
- Preparation of Materials Used in Coil and Stitch Technique (Man-Made Materials) (1 lesson).
Under Swimming, the sub-strands covered include:
- Inverted Breaststroke (3 lessons),
- Tuck Dive from an Elevated Position (2 lessons), and
- Water Treading (2 lessons).
Under Appreciation in Creative Arts and Sports, the sub-strand covered is Analysis of Creative Arts and Sports (2 lessons).
The schemes of work cover a total of nine weeks, but weeks 8 and 9 are dedicated for end year revisions and assessments. The primary reference materials used to prepare the schemes of work include the latest KICD Grade 8 Rationalized Creative Arts and Sports Curriculum Designs and Creative Arts and Sports Grade 8 Textbook. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- File Size:40.27 KB
- Length:8 pages
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Grade 8
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