The 18 pages long MS Word document comprises of Grade 8 Rationalized English Schemes of Work Term 3. The PDF version of the document is also available upon request. The schemes of work were prepared by a Grade 8 English teacher in Kenya who is knowledgeable of the rationalized learning areas.
Four main strands are covered, namely:
Under Listening and Speaking, the sub-strands covered include:
Under writing, the sub-strands covered include:
Under Reading, the sub-strands covered include:
Under Grammar in Use, the following sub-strands are covered:
The schemes of work cover a total of nine weeks, with weeks 8 and 9 being dedicated for end year revisions and assessments. There are five lessons per week. The primary reference material used in preparing the schemes of work is Skills in English Grade 8. The reference to specific page numbers in the material makes the schemes of work easy to use by teachers. The document is also neatly organized and ready for printing.
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