Download "Grade 7 Rationalized Kiswahili Schemes of Work Term 3" Instantly.
- Description:
The 13 pages long MS Word document comprises Grade 7 Rationalized Kiswahili Schemes of Work Term 3. The PDF version of the document is also available upon request. The schemes of work were prepared by a Grade 7 Kiswahili teacher in Kenya who is knowledgeable about the Kiswahili Grade 7 rationalized learning areas. Strands covered include Kusikiliza na Kuzungumza, Kusoma, Kuandika, & Sarufi. Various sub-strands are covered under each strand. For example, under the strand of Kusikiliza na Kuzungumza, the following sub-strands are covered: Kusikiliza kwa Makini, Wahusika katika Nyimbo, Lugha katika Nyimbo, & Kusikiliza Habari na Kujibu. The schemes of work cover a total of 9 weeks with four lessons per week. Weeks 8 and 9 are dedicated for end year revision and assessments. The reference material used is Top Scholar Kiswahili Gredi ya Saba. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- File Size:28.09 KB
- Length:13 pages
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Grade 7
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