Download "Grade 7 Rationalized English Schemes of Work Term 3 (2024)" Instantly.

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  • Description:

    The 20 pages long MS Word document comprises Grade 7 Rationalized English Schemes of Work Term 3. The PDF version is also available for download upon request. The schemes of work were prepared and designed by a Grade 7 English teacher. The main strands covered each week include Listening and Speaking, Reading, Grammar in Use, and Writing. It is worth noting that under the Strand of Listening and Speaking, various themes are covered, among them Traditional Fashion, Land Travel, Outdoor Games, and Tourist Attraction Sites in Kenya. Under each Strand, sub-strands are also covered. For example, under the Strand of Writing, the main sub-strands covered include The Writing Process: Dialogues, Creative Writing: Narrative Composition, Descriptive Composition, and Functional Writing: Notices and Posters. The schemes of work cover a total of nine weeks, with weeks 8 and 9 being dedicated for end year assessments. The primary reference material used is Skills in English Grade 7. There are references to specific page numbers in the reference materials. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.

  • File Size:
    46.45 KB
  • Length:
    20 pages
  • Category:
    Schemes of Work
  • Level:
    Grade 7
  • Subject:
  • Posted By:

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