Download "Grade 8 Rationalized Mathematics Term 3 Schemes of Work" Instantly.
- Description:
The 16 pages long PDF document comprises Grade 8 Rationalized Mathematics Term 3 Schemes of Work. Two strands are covered, namely 'Geometry' and 'Data Handling and Probability.' Under Geometry, two sub-strands are covered, namely Scale Drawing and Common Solids. Under Data Handling and Probability, the sub-strands covered include Data Presentation and Interpretation and Probability. The schemes of work cover 9 weeks, with week 8 and 9 dedicated to revision and end term/year exams. The learning resource referenced is KLB Top Scholar Mathematics Grade 8. Reference to specific page numbers under each lesson makes the use of the schemes of work more accessible to teachers. The document is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- File Size:278.21 KB
- Length:16 pages
- Category:Schemes of Work
- Level:Grade 8
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