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- Description:
The PDF document comprises 60 "Biology Essays" with their answers. The essay questions were prepared by KNEC Biology examiner. The answers provided to the questions are intended to aid or inspire the student on how to approach biology essays in the face of exams. The essays are particularly ideal for revision purposes, especially by KCSE candidates. The questions and their answers cover a wide range of biology topics in the 8-4-4 syllabus, right from the Cell in Form 1 all the way to the last topic in Form 4. The essays were modelled based on trends and observations from previous KCSE biology essays. Teachers can use them to facilitate revision amongst their students, or even use them to set exams as they already have a marking scheme (the answers). As a student, if you to improve your KCSE biology grades, then this document is your ideal weapon.
- File Size:328.08 KB
- Length:43 pages
- Category:Revision Booklets
- Level:Form 4
- Subject:BIOLOGY
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