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- Description:
The PDF document (31 pages long) contains Grade 5 CRE Lesson Notes prepared by a Grade 5 teacher in Kenya. The notes were also reviewed by a national examiner to guarantee quality and comprehensive coverage of the Grade 5 CRE curriculum. Bullet points are extensively used, making them easily digestible by young learners. Teachers can use the notes for teaching purposes. Parents can also purchase the document to facilitate their children's home-based learning and revision. The document is colored to encourage the young learners to make use of it. The strands covered include Strand 1: Creation; Strand 2: The Holy Bible; Strand 3: The Life of Jesus; Strand 4: The Church; and Strand 5: The Christian Living.
- File Size:622.65 KB
- Length:31 pages
- Category:Lesson Notes
- Level:Grade 5
- Subject:CRE
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