Download "Grade 7 Agriculture and Nutrition Rationalized Nutrition Notes" Instantly.
- Description:
The PDF document comprises complete Grade 7 Agriculture and Nutrition Rationalized Lesson Notes prepared by a professional teacher, also a national examiner. The notes are complete, covering Term 1, 2, and 3. Hence, teachers will only need to purchase them once a year unless we make changes in correspondence with curriculum updates by KICD. Parents can also download the notes to aid their children in home-based learning and revision, especially during holidays. The strands covered include Strand 1: Conservation of Resources; Strand 2: Food Production Processes; Strand 3: Hygiene Practices; and Strand 4: Production Techniques. Good luck!
- File Size:2.30 MB
- Length:58 pages
- Category:Lesson Notes
- Level:Grade 7
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