Download "Grade 8 Social Studies Rationalized Notes" Instantly.
- Description:
The 59 pages long document contains Complete Grade 8 Social Studies Rationalized Notes prepared by a professional teacher, who is also a national examiner. As a teacher, you will only need to download this document once a year because it contains complete notes for Term 1, 2, and 3. Also, unless adjustments to the curriculum are made prompting us to update the document, you may even use it for as long as it is possible. As a student revising for national exams, you can also benefit from the notes and boost your grade. Therefore, parents are also encouraged to download the document on behalf of their Grade 8 students. The main benefit of using this document is that it is neatly organized, picture and figure illustrations are clear, and colors other than black and white have been incorporated to encourage learners to make use of it. The following strands are covered: Strand 1: People and Population; Strand 2: People and Relationships; Strand 3: Community Service Learning; Strand 4: Natural and Historic Built Environments; and Strand 5: Political Developments and Governance. Good luck!
- File Size:2.99 MB
- Length:59 pages
- Category:Lesson Notes
- Level:Grade 8
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