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- Description:
The 23 pages long PDF document comprises Grade 4 Complete Creative Arts Rationalized Notes (Term 1, 2, and 3). The notes were prepared by a Grade 4 Creative Arts teacher in Kenya who is knowledgeable of the KICD-approved rationalized learning areas. The strands covered include Creating and Executing and Performing and Displaying. Under Creating and Executing, the sub-strands covered include Grade 4 Complete Creative Arts Rationalized Notes (Term 1, 2, and 3), Netball, Painting and Montage, Rhythm, and Melody. Under Performing and Displaying, the sub-strands covered include Athletics, Gymnastics, Songs, Photography, and Descant Recorder. Teachers can rely on the document for teaching purposes. Parents can also download the document to aid their Grade 4 learners in revising, especially at home. The document is colored to stimulate learners to make use of it. It is neatly organized and ready for printing.
- File Size:620.57 KB
- Length:23 pages
- Category:Lesson Notes
- Level:Grade 4
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