Download "Grade 8 Agriculture and Nutrition Exam with Marking Scheme (Term 2 2024)" Instantly.
- Description:
The documents contain Grade 8 Agriculture and Nutrition End Term 2 Exam and Marking Scheme. The exam paper and the marking scheme were prepared and compiled by a JSS teacher who is also a national examiner in Kenya.
The documents are inside a Google Drive folder, which contains three files. There are 2 PDF documents for the question paper and the marking scheme, and one MS Word document for the question paper. If you don't require any changes, you can download and print the PDF documents. However, if you would like to make any changes to the question paper before printing, then you can use the MS Word document.
The exam paper has a total of 28 questions, and the marking scheme has answers to all the questions. The 28 questions carry a total of 100 marks.
The main advantages of downloading the documents include the fact that they are neatly organized, they cover the rationalized learning areas, and the marking scheme is readily available, which means it the exam can be download, printed, and directly administered to the learners. Good luck!
- File Size:27.04 KB
- Category:Exams
- Level:Grade 8
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