Download "CBC Grade 6 Creative Arts Exam and Marking Scheme (Term 2)" Instantly.
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- Description:
- The zip file containsCBC Grade 6 Creative Arts and Sports Exam Paper with its Marking Scheme.
- The exam paper comprises a total of 53 questions, whereas the marking scheme has all answers to the 53 questions.
- It can be used by teachers as an opener exam for formative assessment or for revision purposes.
- Also, parents who would want to help their children revise this subject and boost their grades can purchase the document.
- The exam paper and its marking scheme have both PDF and Word Document versions.
- If you would like to alter them before printing, you can use the Word Documents. If you want to print them directly without any alteration, the PDF files serve that purpose.
- File Size:533.90 KB
- Category:Exams
- Level:Grade 6
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