Download "CBC Grade 6 English Exam with Marking Scheme (Term 2 2024)" Instantly.
- Description:
You will find three files for download. There are two PDF files, one for the CBC Grade 6 English Exam Paper and the other one is the marking scheme (answers). The other one is an MS Word file for the question paper. We included an MS Word question paper so that you can flexibly edit it, such as adding your school's name, etc. before printing. Otherwise, the PDF question paper is ready to administer to the students upon printing it. There are a total of 23 questions scored out of 50 marks. Teachers can download the document to administer to their students as a formative assessment. Parents can also download to aid their children in revision.
- File Size:27.16 KB
- Category:Exams
- Level:Grade 6
- Subject:ENGLISH
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