Download "Grade 9 Pre-Technical Studies Paper 2 Mid-Term 1 Exam 2025 with Marking Scheme" Instantly.
- Description:
This KJSEA Grade 9 Pre-Technical Studies Paper 2 (912/2) Project 2025 with Marking Scheme is a KJSEA replica. It has 3 tasks covering various pre-technical topics, including programming, digital literacy and ethics, technical drawing, and project design. The project duration is 2 hours per task. The marking scheme is located at the end of the document.
Specifically, the tasks are:
- Part 1: Programming Task (60 marks)
- Part 2: Research and Documentation (40 marks)
- Task 2: Drawing Exercise (20 marks)
- Task 3: Project Design (20 marks)
- File Size:31.08 KB
- Category:Exams
- Level:Grade 9
- Posted By:Caleb_Peter
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