Download "Form 2 Business Studies End Term 3 Exam with Marking Scheme 2024" Instantly.
- Description:
The 1-page MS Word document comprises Form 2 Business Studies End Term 3 Exam with Marking Scheme 2024. The marking scheme is in a separate 1-page MS Word document. If you would like to download the PDF versions of the question paper and marking scheme, they are also available upon your request. The exam and its answers were prepared by a high school Business Studies teacher in Kenya.
The exam paper has a total of 18 questions scored at a maximum of 70 marks. Learners are required to take a maximum of 2 hours to undertake the exam and submit it. Blank spaces are provided under each question in the question paper where learners can give their responses.
The exam paper and the marking scheme are neatly organized and printable.
- File Size:13.71 KB
- Category:Exams
- Level:Form 2
- Posted By:Caleb Peter
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