Download "Grade 5 Agriculture and Nutrition End Term 3 Exam with Marking Scheme 2024" Instantly.
- Description:
The 8-page MS Word document comprises Grade 5 Agriculture and Nutrition End Term 3 Exam with Marking Scheme 2024. The exam and its answers were created by a Grade 5 Agriculture and Nutrition teacher in Kenya.
It has a total of 30 multiple choice questions. The answers/marking scheme are provided towards the end of the document. You can leave the pages containing the answers and print the exam paper and directly administer it to the students. Learners are expected to finish the exam within 60 minutes.
The document is colored, neatly organized, and ready for printing.
- File Size:138.80 KB
- Length:8 pages
- Category:Exams
- Level:Grade 5
- Posted By:Caleb Peter
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