Download "Grade 8 Agriculture and Nutrition End Term 3 Exam with Marking Scheme 2024" Instantly.
- Description:
The 20-page PDF document comprises Grade 8 Agriculture and Nutrition End Term 3 Exam with Marking Scheme 2024. The MS Word version of the document is available upon your request. The exam and its marking scheme were created by a professionally trained Grade 8 Agriculture and Nutrition teacher in Kenya.
The document has a total of 32 questions with their answers provided at the end. It is scored out of 100 marks as the maximum score, and the learners are expected to complete the exam within 2 hours. The exam focuses on all the Grade 7 and Grade 8 KICD-approved Agriculture and Nutrition strands and their corresponding sub-strands.
- File Size:1.33 MB
- Length:20 pages
- Category:Exams
- Level:Grade 8
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