Download "Grade 7 Agriculture and Nutrition Mid Term 3 Exam with Marking Scheme" Instantly.
- Description:
The 11-page PDF document comprises Grade 7 Agriculture and Nutrition Mid Term 3 Exam with Marking Scheme. The MS Word version of the document is also available upon your request. The exam questions and their answers were prepared by a professionally trained JSS teacher in Kenya who is knowledgeable of the KICD-approved rationalized Agriculture and Nutrition strands and sub-strands.
The exam paper is marked out of 50 marks and examinees are intended to finish the exam within 1h 45 minutes. It has a total of 22 questions, with some questions having figures/coloured pictures and others have sub-questions. It focuses on the following sub-strands:
- Controlling Soil Pollution,
- Constructing Water Retention Structures,
- Conserving Food Nutrients, Growing Trees,
- Crop Establishment,
- Selected Crop Management Practices,
- Preparing Animal Products,
- Cooking Food,
- Hygiene in Rearing Animals,
- Laundry: Loose Coloured Items, and
- Knitting Skills.
The sub-strands not covered include Constructing Framed Suspended Garden and Adding Value to Crop Produce. The strands were not covered based on the assumption that by midterm 3, the teacher has not yet taught them to the learners. The document is ready for printing.
You can try our exam generator app to generate a custom exam. The benefits include:
- Flexibility in selecting the strands and sub-strands you would like to assess your learners
- You can add the name of your school on the cover page
- Select the number of marks you would like the exam to have
- Select the amount of time you would like the examinees to take to finish the exam
- Generate the exam and the marking scheme under 30 seconds
Good luck!
- File Size:577.67 KB
- Length:11 pages
- Category:Exams
- Level:Grade 7
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