Download "Grade 7 Social Studies Term 3 Opener Exam 2024" Instantly.
- Description:
There are three sets of Grade 7 Social Studies Term 3 Opener Exams 2024 in PDF format. However, the MS Word versions are also available upon request. The questions and their answers were curated by a Grade 7 Social Studies teacher in Kenya.
The exams cover the following Grade 7 KICD-approved rationalized strands and their corresponding sub-strands:
- Social Studies and Personal Development
- People and Relationships
- Community Service Learning
- Natural and Historic Built Environments
In this case, we did not cover Political Development and Governance because we assumed that being an opener exam, teachers have not yet covered this strand for Term 3.
However, if you would like greater flexibility, try our exam generator. The advantages of the exam generator include:
- The ability to choose only the strands you have covered as a teacher
- The option to set a custom number of marks and time duration for the exam
- The ability to label the exam paper with the exact name of your school
The exam generator works within 30 seconds to give you a custom exam. All the best!
- File Size:13.98 KB
- Category:Exams
- Level:Grade 7
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