Download "Grade 8 Social Studies Term 3 Opener Exam 2024" Instantly.
- Description:
There are a total of three sets of Grade 8 Social Studies Term 3 Opener Exam 2024. All the exams are in PDF format, but the MS Word version is also available upon request.
These exams cover the KICD-approved rationalized strands and sub-strands for JSS Social Studies. Specifically:
- Grade 7: All rationalized strands and sub-strands are covered.
- Grade 8: All strands and sub-strands are included except for Political Development and Governance.
This approach is informed by the fact that Grade 8 learners should be assessed on both Grade 7 and Grade 8 strands and sub-strands.
Each set includes:
- An exam paper
- A corresponding marking scheme
The exam papers are assessed out of a total of 50 marks and are labeled as the Mwalimu Focus Exam Series 2024.
If you wish to label the exams with your school’s name, you can use our exam generator. The advantages of using the exam generator include:
- Greater flexibility in choosing strands and sub-strands to assess learners.
- The ability to set the total number of marks, ranging from 30 to 120, with 10-mark increment options.
All the best!
- File Size:13.95 KB
- Category:Exams
- Level:Grade 8
Pay Ksh 60.00 Ksh 100.00 to Download PDF
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