Exam Generator App for CBC and 8-4-4 Exams and Assignments in Kenya

Our world-class exam/assignment generator app can help teachers, parents, and students to generate CBC and 8-4-4 exams and assignments instantly without waiting! Exams or assignments are generated together with their marking schemes/answers.


How Exam Generator App Works: Step by Step

  • Click on "Generate Now!" button.
  • Fill the form to customize your exam/assignment.
  • Click on "Generate" button to submit the form.
  • You will be redirected to a status page that will show a preview of the generated exam/assignment and its marking scheme/answers.
  • To download, click on "Pay Now" button and pay the due amount.

Exam/Assignment Generation Form

Fill the form below to create a custom exam or assignment. Once you're done, click "Generate" button to proceed to the preview!

Exam/Assignment Details

Valid school name is required.
Please provide a valid academic term.
Please provide a valid type of assessment.
Please provide a valid education level.
Please provide a valid academic term.
Please provide a valid subject.
Please provide a valid month.
Valid year is required.
Please provide a valid academic term.
Please provide a valid academic term.
Select Applicable Instructions to Examinees
Please select at least one instruction.
Select Topics for the Exam or Assignment
Please select at least one topic.