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- Description:
The PDF document comprises Grade 2 Rationalized Assessment Book. It was designed by a professional designer in collaboration with a Grade 2 teacher who is competent in the rationalized areas. The rationalized learning areas covered include:
- Mathematics Activities
- Environmental Activities
- Kiswahili Activities
- Indigenous Language Activities
- English Language Activities
- Creative Arts
- HRE.
The book is designed as follows. Under each learning area, there are five major columns. The first one presents strands and sub-strands for the learning area, whereas the second, third, and forth columns for Term 1, Term 2, and Term 3, respectively. The fifth column is for the summative assessment for each of the three terms. The assessment book is colored, and it is designed to make it attractive and easy to use by parents, learners, and teachers.
- File Size:1.23 MB
- Category:CBC Assessment Books
- Level:Grade 2
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