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- Description:
The PDF document (21 pages long) contains Grade 8 Rationalised Assessment Report Book. It was designed by a professional designer in collaboration with a Junior Secondary School (JSS) teacher in Kenya. The document begins with a well-designed and attractive cover. It is then followed by a page where the learners' details, such as name, UPI Number, KNEC Assessment Number, and School are recorded. The subsequent pages cover the various learning areas. Under each learning area exists four columns, namely strand, Term 1, Term 2, and Term 3. Under the strand column, sub-strands/sub-topics are included in accordance with the rationalised learning areas. Under each term, there is a column for Cat 1, Cat 2, and End Term performance levels. The subjects/learning areas covered include Mathematics, Kiswahili, Agriculture and Nutrition, C.R.E, Creative Arts and Sports, English, Integrated Science, Pre-Technical Studies, I.R.E, and Social Studies. Towards the end of the assessment report book, blank spaces for each Term's remarks and average scores are provided. There is also a blank space for the general transition report. Best luck!
- File Size:1.95 MB
- Category:CBC Assessment Books
- Level:Grade 8
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