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- Description:
The 32 pages long PDF file comprises Grade 7 Rationalized Assessment Book (Junior Secondary School). It was designed by a professional designer in collaboration with a Junior Secondary School (JSS) teacher who has an excellent grasp of the rationalized curriculum.
The assessment book covers the following learning areas: Integrated Science, Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, Agriculture and Nutrition, Creative Arts and Sports, Pre-Technical Studies, Social Studies, C.R.E, H.R.E, I.R.E, Indigenous Language, French Language, German Language, Arabic Language, and Mandarin Chinese Language.
For each learning area, the assessment book is designed as follows. First, there is a column for strand, which contains all the strands of the rationalized learning areas/subjects. Under each strand, sub-topics are covered. Afterwards, there are three columns for Terms 1, 2, and 3 each. Under each term, there are sub-columns for Cat One, Cat Two, and End Term performance levels.
Also, the assessment book has a well-designed and attractive cover, followed by a page where the learner's details are records, such as name, UPI Number, KNEC Assessment Number, and School. At the end of the book, blank spaces for each Term to fill the following information have been provided: Comments on Competencies Achieved, Comments on Behavior/Social Report, Feedback on Acquisition of Values.
Finally, a blank space for End Year Transition Report has been provided. This includes three key transition report areas, namely areas of weakness to be observed in the learner, areas of strength to be emphasized, and learner's ability and talent acquisition.
- File Size:2.66 MB
- Category:CBC Assessment Books
- Level:Grade 7
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