About Us


MwalimuFocus.Co.Ke is an online store that sells CBC and 8-4-4 educational materials in Kenya. Unlike most of our competitors, we employ a unique approach in our business model. We basically allow professional teachers and examiners across Kenya to curate the materials found on our website. They can sign up as vendors and upon approval, they can start submitting materials to the site for public access. 

In recognition of the great effort teachers and examiners put in place to create the materials, we reward them handsomely through our internal commission system. 

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is professionally and meaningfully connecting teachers, learners, and parents from all parts of Kenya, regardless of geographical location. In the process of connecting them, teachers and examiners can earn from selling learning and teaching materials. Some of the materials we sell on the site include schemes of work, lesson plans, lesson notes, set book guides, exams, exam preparation materials like revision booklets, report card designs, and all digital learning and teaching materials that can be downloaded from our site, including lesson videos, etc. 

Our vision is to create a platform that connects teachers, parents, and students in a financially rewarding manner to teachers. Also, we intend to ensure that learners and parents can access high-quality learning materials in a single place, only away by a click of a button, regardless of their geographical location and socio-economic status. 

Our Roots

Our roots can be traced back in 2013. Our founder, Caleb Peter, had just finished Form 4. Because he scored a mean Grade A, he was allowed to teach at a local secondary school. He was teaching Biology, Chemistry, and Physics at that time. At that time, the government had not introduced strict rules about having a TSC No. before being allowed to teach in any school. 

While interacting with students, Caleb discovered a high demand for additional learning resources beyond what was being provided by the school. He engaged in authoring a small booklet comprising of Biology Essays and Answers. The product was sold out beyond expectations. Students could arrive very early in the morning and line up at Caleb's office to get a copy. 

Caleb was only a teacher for nine months, between January and September 2013. He joined Kenyatta University to pursue his dream degree. After graduating in 2018, Caleb immediately enrolled for a web development course at the Harvard Extension School. Caleb then used the web development skills to develop this platform. He's currently the one responsible for the security and technical maintenance of this platform. 

He currently collaborates with professional teachers and examiners across Kenya to outsource high-quality learning and teaching materials. He is also in charge of a team of 10 CBC and KCSE examiners who are responsible for reviewing the quality of each piece uploaded to the platform.

Our Team

Our team comprises of a technologist who is responsible for the technical maintenance of this site. Besides, we have a group of professional teachers and examiners who are responsible for curating educational content found on this site. Visit our team page to learn more about the members.